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Favourite coffee shop of the month

 Interview with Susan Stokhof

Photo credit: Hannah Monteith

Why do you like HABIT Coffee?


When I first went into the Pandora Street Habit, I loved the aesthetic, the rustic feeling of that big open space immediately appealed to me. The rack of magazines on the wall available for customers to read, to the art exhibits on the walls. There's the nice long bar and the beautiful espresso machine, it all made me feel comfortable; like I could sit down with my coffee and read for hours. That feeling has always stuck with me whenever I enter that location. One of the fascinating things about Habit is that their two locations are different in feel and aesthetics but both shops inspire a sense of comfort and intellectual stimulation. I love to just go and work or read regardless of what location I am at.  You would have to ask the owner Shane if that was on purpose or just happened to work out that way!

Photo credit: Habit 

I think I've mentioned this in other blog posts and in Le Vélo website, I'm all about the espresso! So naturally I had to try the espresso. If the espresso is right, this place will be one of my favourite coffee shops. BLEW IT OUT OF THE WATER! 

My favourite thing about Habit’s coffee is their barista’s attention to detail. If the press of the espresso shot isn’t perfect, they make another one. They take pride in their coffee and I can tell. Espresso makes me happy! As an espresso lover it sealed the deal.  Habit’s website speaks to the care and attention that goes into making a great coffee…“Our baristas undergo long periods of extensive training in order to ensure they understand not only how to make a quality coffee beverage, but that they understand why it’s a quality beverage, integrating each facet of drink building: origin, roast, age, temperature, gas content, grind etc.” You can't beat that.

Photo credit: Hannah Monteith


What is your favorite food and drink?

If it is not apparent already, espresso is my favorite drink at Habit (anywhere really). I have on occasion enjoyed their latté, I love how they are served in a glass tumbler. Habit has fresh organic treats available at both locations in a beautiful glass cabinet. They stock their shelves with fresh locally made tasty treats that are organic and in some cases dairy free. Their peanut butter snack is great for a little boost of energy to get you through that power meeting at the end of the day.


Photo credit: Habit

What special feature have you noticed?

There are a few things that I have noticed about Habit that sets it apart from other coffee shops. Firstly, the artwork at the Pandora street location gives the shop an interesting and dynamic feel. The art installations make the shop feel a little bit like a art exhibit, the brick walls keep it warm and inviting. You can sit with a cup of coffee or tea and stare at those walls for ages. During one of my coffee meetings I watched a changeover in the art exhibit, the whole thing as changed and a new one installed within the 45 minutes of being there, it was so fast and seamless.

Both locations appeal to me in different ways. I love the rustic feel of the Pandora Street location and I like the big wide open space of the Atrium location. I also love that I can bring my Labrador, Esmee on the front patio and it’s a great spot to end a bike ride – an espresso and a good friend, what's better? 

I am all about the espresso...I mean bikes! Sometimes I am conflicted. Habit is a great place to exercise both of these passions. 

Is Habit local and fair trade?


Habit is locally owned and run by Shane. His commitment to being an ethical business owner is inspiring.  

Habit was founded on the idea that coffee can be better—not just in terms of a drinkable product, but in terms of every step that coffee takes from seed to cup". They are carbon neutral, built much of the Atrium location with reclaimed materials, and they are and always will be actively involved in the purchase of their beans and who and where they come from.

This is why we have made this coffee shop our HABIT! 

Article by Hannah Monteith

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