Welcome to the offical site of the Bicycle Mayor of Victoria

Dr. Teale N. Phelps Bondaroff, PhD 


It is with great pleasure that I nominate Susan Stokhof to the position of Bike Mayor of Victoria. 

As a skilled local business person, Susan built a recognizable brand of quality cycling apparel. I was impressed with her business ethos, and the ways in which she wove advocacy into her work. Her success in growing her brand speaks to her ability to effectively employ marketing and communications techniques, something that will be a vital skill for the Bike Mayor of Victoria. 

More recently, I have had occasion to work with Susan in her capacity as a dedicated advocate for cycling. I am most impressed with her approach which includes changing the culture around cycling in the city, transforming from a sport, into a utility and a healthy (and trendy) lifestyle. Victoria is a complex city, with a tapestry of different municipalities, introducing complicated systems in which to operate. I believe that Susan has the experience and passion to tackle this challenging political environment. 

Michael O. Russell

Community Mobilizer

Susan is relentless in pursuit of her passion. She is a tireless advocate, a persistent voice, and provides her valued expertise to ensure projects reflect best practice and her experiences abroad.

Her passion and expertise were highlighted by her advocacy work on the wildly-successful City of Victoria Bicycle Master Plan. This initiative has seen a large-scale network of fully protected cycling infrastructure be constructed throughout the City of Victoria over the last three years. The beginning of this route now sees over 1,150 cycling trips a day.

Susan adds a levity to the conversations and is a reliable voice who is comfortable pushing forward despite resistance".  

Chris and Melissa Bruntlett 

Co-Founders: Modacity

We are writing to endorse our friend and colleague Susan Stokhof for the Bicycle Mayor of Victoria. 
We have known Susan for about six years, predominantly through her tireless work at Le Vélo Victoria, which—much like Modacity—aims to promote what is possible when you design a lifestyle around the bicycle.

In addition to an online boutique and travelling pop-up, Susan provides a vital voice in the push to normalize cycling in Victoria. From regular features on her blog about the citizen cycling movement—with a particular focus on women who cycle for transport—to sponsoring events that bring guest speakers to the island to inspire and inform, she rightly puts her money—and boundless energy—where her mouth is.

We couldn't think of a person better suited to take this role.

Ray Straatsma

Is principal consultant with RStreets Urban Strategies

Susan Stokhof is a tireless and relentless believer in everyday city cycling, and has been one of the key voices here in Victoria to promote bicycle riding as transportation, not just a recreational activity or sport.  

She carried that conviction in her start-up business Le Vélo Victoria, marketing unique and stylish bicycle accessories for the North American market.  

I worked with her and many other advocates and professionals on the stakeholder committee for the City of Victoria’s Bicycle Master Plan, where she provided a strong voice and commitment to advancing the quality and safety of the city’s emerging bicycle network. Susan’s passion and enthusiasm shines through in all the work she does. Susan Stokhof would be an excellent inaugural Bicycle Mayor in Victoria BC.

Adam Berry

Co-Founder of PageFly

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Adam Berry

Co-Founder of PageFly

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