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Le Vélo Victoria Feature in the Premiére Issue of the Capital

New fashion company provides different spokes for different folks Le Vélo's feature in the Capital. "For Susan Stokhof, it was the last straw. The Vic West business analyst arrived at the office she shared with a male colleague. And then … disaster. “I was pulling down my ugly bicycle rain pants. My jeans went down with it. I thought, ‘That’s it, I’m not dressing like this anymore.’ ”   Curious about cycle fashion and eager to learn what's trending on the stylish (read: cycle chic) bicycle scene? read on ... Great to see @LeVelo_Victoria in @timescolonist new #Capital Mag! #yyj pic.twitter.com/hQa46TJt5z — Sara Park (@SparkInVictoria) March 30, 2014

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